Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Petition For Name Change

I herby petition this blog for a name change.

It's not that I'm not fan of "Dave Sucks" but I think we are sending a negative message to the children. Cyber bullying has become a hot button topic as many children are now being bullied through electronic devices such as cell phones and computers. I don't think we want to portray the kind of attitude that says "Oh that kids favorite player just lost the Super Bowl? Let's go harass him emotionally and degrade his psychological well-being."

Statistics show that since most children and teens have access to technology and social media, about 1 in 4 teens are subject to some type of cyber bullying.

In addition to staying in touch with social issues within the online community, it is also important that we stay current and up to date with the sports world. Having a backdrop of Peyton Manning, perhaps the single greatest football player and overall American citizen ever, in the Super Bowl from 2 years ago shows that we may be a little behind in the happenings of American sports. How about a nice pic of LBJ trying to will his team to victory in the most recent NBA finals? Or maybe Rory McIlroy hoisting his most recent trophy overhead? Or even some Cricket World Cup photos, showing how Australia beat New Zealand by 7 whole wickets!

So I'll give you guys some time to think, and feel free to submit some other ideas in the meantime.

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